
Find insightful articles within the world of dermatology and skin care.


Microneedling, A Treatment for Many Conditions

Microneedling, also known as Percutaneous Collagen Induction, is a minimally invasive procedure that uses fine needles to puncture the top layers of the skin to stimulate the release of growth factors and stimulate collagen formation. Studies indicate that microneedling is effective for treating a variety of conditions including scars, acne, melasma, photodamage and for skin rejuvenation/wrinkle reduction.Recent work indicates that it can enhance the delivery and effectiveness of topically applied medications. The simple office procedure involves the application of a topical anesthetic followed by treatment with a sterile cartridge containing multiple micro needles attached to a handheld, electrically powered device. Generally, a series of 3-6 treatments (determined by the area and severity of the condition) every 4 weeks is advised. There is no significant downtime following the procedure. Typically mild to moderate transient redness, similar to a sunburn, is noted. Microneedling is suitable for most skin types and most areas of the body.Please call 310-626-4631 ext. 227 to schedule a consultation with one of our physicians


Reverse Photoaging with Topical Retinoids

In last month’s newsletter (, we discussed the signs of photoaging secondary to chronic exposure to UV radiation from the sun and tanning beds. This month we address treatment. The first line of defense is minimizing exposure to the sun especially between 10 am and 4 pm and complete avoidance of tanning beds. It’s also important to apply a broad spectrum sunscreen with UVA/UVB protection and SPF 30. Reversal of photodamage can be achieved with regular application of Retinoid Creams. Over the counter products containing Retinol offer some benefits, but prescription creams such as Tretinoin and Tazarotene are more potent. Tretinoin has been investigated more than any other retinoid for the treatment of photoaging. Studies have shown a decrease in wrinkles, tactile roughness, and sallowness. Retinoids also bolster skins elasticity, slowing the breakdown of collagen (which helps keep skin firm), and lightening brown spots caused by sun exposure. With prescription retinoids, a patient might notice smoother, more even-toned skin in as early as 6 to 8 weeks.

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month:

In addition to period evaluation by your dermatologist, it’s advisable to perform monthly self-skin exams to detect early signs of skin cancer. For simple helpful tips, see our May 2016 blog: How to detect early signs of skin cancer (

Aging|Skin Cancer Prevention|Sunscreen

Maintain Healthy and Attractive Skin by Avoiding Photodamage

It has been said that nature gives you the face you have at 20 but it's up to you to nurture the face you have at 50. The first priority should be to guard your skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Skin aging is influenced by genetics, environmental exposures, hormonal changes, and metabolic processes. These factors alter skin structure, function, and appearance. While changes, such as thinning and loss of elasticity occurs on sun protected skin with the passage of time, ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun and tanning beds leads to photodamage which is known to be the single major factor responsible for premature aging. This specific damage occurs with chronic exposure of the skin to UV light and is called photoaging. Visually, the skin becomes coarse and gradually thins. Laxity, sallowness with wrinkles, and irregular pigmentary (color) changes are also noted. The pores of the skin are larger and often clogged. There is also an increase in development of benign growths, premalignant and malignant growths on chronically sun exposed skin.Living in Southern California, the sun’s UV rays are powerful for most of the year. Strategies for protecting your skin and information about the best product you can apply to your skin to reverse the signs of photoaging will be presented in our May newsletter. Stay tuned!

Skin Care

Tip of the Month: Prevent Acne Scarring

Our appearance, especially during childhood and adolescence, can significantly influence our confidence and self esteem. Acne can be painful physically and emotionally. The inflammation from this condition can create scars. In spite of the emergence of new treatment modalities, it is impossible to completely reverse scarring. A recent study found that while scars were more likely in those with severe acne, 69% of individuals with acne scars had mild or moderate acne. The risk factors that correlated with an increased likelihood of acne scars include acne severity, time between acne onset and first effective treatment, relapsing acne, and male gender. Acne is a condition that can last for many years and requires management to prevent scarring. The bottom line: to avoid acne scarring, see your dermatologist to institute early treatment for acne.Please call 310-626-4631 ext. 227 to schedule a consultation with one of our physicians. Fore more news, updates, medical tips, and more, follow our brand new Instagram account @derm90210!

Acne|Tip of the Month
Tanned skin

Tip of the Month: Avoid Tanning!

Our recent abundant rainfall and fewer days with sunshine may tempt some people to use tanning beds or lamps. Unfortunately, use of these devices, like exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, leads to premature aging of the skin and increases the risk of developing skin cancer. A recent study of white women students at Indiana University found that while almost 80 percent did not believe that indoor tanning is safe or any safer than outdoor tanning about seven out of 10 said they like to get a tan even though they know tanning may harm their skin. Nearly 84 percent said tanning makes them feel more attractive.The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IRAC), part of the World Health Organization, added UV emitting tanning beds and lamps to the list of the most dangerous forms of cancer causing radiation. The IARC report cited research showing that tanning is especially hazardous to young people; those who use sunbeds before age 30 increase their lifetime risk of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, by 75 percent.The bottom line is avoiding exposure to UV Radiation from the sun or tanning devices will help to make your skin look younger and healthier!

Skin Cancer Prevention|Tip of the Month
Earlobe Rejuvenation

Tip of the Month: Earlobe Rejuvenation

Last month, we addressed rejuvenation of the aging lip and surrounding skin. If you aren't pleased with the way your earrings look when you wear them, it could be that your earring holes have elongated or your earlobes have lost volume and appear wrinkled, almost prune-like. These alterations can make earrings look unflattering. Fortunately, there are remedies available to correct these issues.Torn or elongated earring holes can be surgically repaired and earlobe volume easily restored with hyaluronic acid-based fillers (e.g. Juvederm, Restylane). If you'd like to discuss earlobe rejuvenation, please call 310-626-4631 ext. 227 to schedule a consultation with one of our physicians.

Fillers|Tip of the Month
Lip Beauty

Tip of the Month: Lip Beauty

Full, well-defined lips impart youth, vitality, and sexuality to the bearer. With age, lip volume decreases, and the lips may become flat and thin. The lips also tend to droop and creases may develop in the skin around the lips and at the corners of the mouth extending along the sides of the chin.Fortunately, augmentation and correction with injectable hyaluronic acid-based fillers (i.e.: Juvederm, Volbella, Restylane, and Restylane Silk) can help restore the aging lip and surrounding skin. These fillers stimulate the skin to produce collagen that may increase the longevity of the treatment. As with any cosmetic procedure, it is essential that the physician injector is well trained and experienced to achieve a natural result with minimal to no downtime. To learn more, schedule a consultation by calling 310-626-4631 ext. 227.

Fillers|Tip of the Month

Tip of the Month: Photo Aging of the Neck and Chest

In earlier newsletters, we’ve addressed prevention and treatment of sun damage. Many of our patient’s complain of color and textural changes of the neck and chest. Common manifestations include blotchy brown pigmentation, redness from fine blood vessels, and thinning/crepey skin. Individuals with fair complexions and those who spend a lot of time in the sun are predisposed.The changes of the skin on the chest are particularly common in women due to “V” neck shirts and other clothing styles that lead to increased sun exposure. Fortunately, simple remedies are available.First, avoiding sun exposure and sun protection are of paramount importance. Daily application of a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 is advised. In addition, covering the exposed area when outside for prolonged periods with a scarf or other article of clothing is very beneficial. Photorejuvenation with Intense Pulsed Light is an excellent treatment for photoaging of the chest and neck. Finally, regular application of Tretinoin Cream is also helpful. To learn more, schedule a consultation by calling 310-626-4631 ext. 227.

Aging|Sunscreen|Tip of the Month

Tip of the Month: MANtenance: Simple measures to help you look your best

Aging of the face is influenced by internal factors such as genetics and hormonal constitution and external factors including ultraviolet (UV) exposure from sunlight, pollution, cigarette smoke, repetitive muscle movements, and diet. The greatest external factors are smoking and exposure to UV light.In general, men are more likely than women to engage in high-risk health behaviors that contribute to aging. Men also tend to underutilize preventive health care services including dermatology care compared with women.Look better and stay healthy by avoiding exposure to the sun, especially between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm, wearing hats and sun-protective clothing, applying a broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30, and refraining from smoking.In addition, there are many non and minimally invasive treatment options for rejuvenating the aging face including topical skincare, photo rejuvenation, lasers, botulium toxin injections (Botox, Dysport), Filler injections, Kybella injections, and Coolsculpting. To learn more, schedule a consultation.

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You deserve the best skin care possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I have a skin emergency?

If you have a skin emergency, such as a severe allergic reaction, please go to the nearest emergency room or call 911. For urgent but non-emergency concerns, you can contact our office during business hours.

What insurance plans do you accept?

We accept most major insurance plans. Please contact our office to verify if we accept your specific plan.

What should I bring to my appointment?

Please bring a valid ID, your insurance card, and a list of any medications you are currently taking. If you have any previous medical records relevant to your skin condition, please bring those as well.

Do I need a referral to see a dermatologist?

No, a referral is not necessary. You can book an appointment directly with our dermatologists.

What are your hours of operation?

Our current hours of operation are Monday through Thursday, 8:30 AM to 5 PM, and Friday, 8:30 AM to 4 PM. We are closed on Saturday and Sunday. Please suggest any new hours if needed.

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